Please test localized version 1.1 for FreeBSD

Nakata Maho chat95 at
Sat Nov 8 16:51:14 PST 2003

Hi, all

I just created ports skeletons for FreeBSD for
all languages supported by OOo 1.1, namely,

"CZECH", "DAN", "DTCH", "ENUS", "FREN", 

total 22 languages (concerining from config_office/

Please test these ports, and I'm also doing the test (first, building).

Please let me know if there are some bugs (I'm sure there are some bugs).

And I would like to know:
(1) What other langs (e.g. Thai, Hindi...) we can build.
(2) I don't know what CAT means, sorry, might be Catalan.
    Plase let me know what is the correct answer. and
    its telephone number.
(3) I understand Japanese/English and French (little bit)
    however, I don't understand other langs. I need your helps.


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