editors/libreoffice JDBC driver for MySQL

Beeblebrox zaphod at berentweb.com
Sat Mar 21 12:52:34 UTC 2015

Has anyone figured out how the JDBC driver is supposed to be installed into libreoffice on FreeBSD? The extensions page on the libreoffice website has a native-sql connector but it's for Linux and I get a "this extension cannot work on this computer" when trying to install that extension.

I was able to connect math/gnumeric for example through the use of Gnome's DB connection component databases/libgda5-mysql, but that does not seem to work for libreoffice. As another example, KDE's Kexi program is also able to connect to the MySQL server.

Some solutions suggest installing "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/, but that does not make a whole lot of sense to me. I have databases/mysql-connector-java installed, but libreoffice does not see that package (or IDK how to point libreoffice to it).


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