LibreOffice 4.2.4 -- Has anyone figured out how to have this software NOT listen to the Internet?

Tijl Coosemans tijl at
Fri Jul 11 10:03:28 UTC 2014

On Fri, 13 Jun 2014 18:46:58 +1000 sickofthis at wrote:
> Step 1:
> $ libreoffice
> Don't run it in the background -- otherwise you'll have to kill
> the stuck process manually when you exit LibreOffice vs. the somewhat
> more convenient CTRL+C for a foreground process (*shrug*).
> Step 2:
> Click on either "Impress Presentation" or "Draw Drawing." Then wait
> half a minute for the sub-app to open (*shrug*).
> Step 3:
> $ sockstat -46
> You'll see TCP/1599 and UDP/1598 ports open to the Internet.
> Apparently it's related to Impress Remote. Apparently there's
> supposed to be some option called "Enabled remote control" that
> controls this functionality, but I can't find it. In any event,
> the functionality should NOT be enabled by default. Most people
> don't expect a piece of office software to act as an Internet
> daemon.

Try adding --disable-sdremote to CONFIGURE_ARGS in the port Makefile.

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