Bit twiddling question

Bruce Evans brde at
Thu Mar 9 06:59:03 UTC 2017

On Wed, 8 Mar 2017, Steve Kargl wrote:

> Suppose I have a float 'x' that I know is in the
> range 1 <= x <= 0x1p23 and I know that 'x' is
> integral, e.g., x = 12.000.  If I use GET_FLOAT_WORD
> from math_private.h, then x=12.000 maps to ix=0x41400000.
> Is there a bit twiddling method that I can apply to ix to
> unambiguously determine if x is even of odd?

I don't know of any good method.

> Yes, I know I can do
> float x;
> int32_t ix;
> ix = (int32_t)x;
> and then test (ix & 1).  But, this does not generalize to

This isn't bit twiddling, and is also slow.

> the case of long double on a ld128 architecture.  That is,
> if I have 1 <= x < 1xp112, then I would need to have
> long double x;
> int128_t ix;
> ix = (int128_t)x;
> and AFAICT sparc64 doesn't have an int128_t.

If sparc64 has this, it would be even slower.  Sparc64 emulates
all 128-bit FP.  This makes 128-bit sparc64 ~10-100 times slower
than 64-bit sparc64 FP, and 100-1000 times slower than modern
x86 64 and 8-bit FP.  FP to integer conversions tend to be slower
than pure FP, and are especially tricky for integers with more
bits than FP mantissas.

Consider bit twiddling to classifiy oddness of 2.0F (0x40000000 in
bits) and 3.0F (0x40400000 in bits).  The following method seems
to be not so bad.  Calculates that the unbiased exponent for 3.0F
is 1.  This means that the 1's bit is (1 << (23 - 1)) = 0x00400000
where we see it for 3.0F but not for 2.0F.  All bits to the right
of this must be 0 for the value to be an integer.  I don't know
how you classified integers efficiently without already determining
the position of the "point" and looking at these bits.  There are
complications for powers of 2 and the normalization bit being implicit.


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