clang+libc++ using missing powl

David Chisnall theraven at
Fri Sep 6 16:51:34 UTC 2013

On 6 Sep 2013, at 16:59, Steve Kargl <sgk at> wrote:

> Well, your commit has pre-empted any discussion on whether
> there would have been a better kludge.  Oh well.

I'm very happy for it to be replaced by something better (and would be ecstatic for it to go away completely and for all of the functions to have full-precision implementations).

> Concerning coshl, sinhl, and tanhl.  I had integrated bde's
> code into msun and prepared a patch to commit over a week ago.
> Unfortunately, my testing on sparc64 revealed a few issues
> with tanhl, and Bruce and I are still discussing the fix.

Good to hear.

> PS: I have working erfl and erfcl for ld80 archs.  I'm still
> testing and refining the code.  It turns out that computing
> the needed rational approximation is fairly difficult (at least
> for me).

That's great too.

Please do poke re@ about committing these after the code freeze if they're done before 10.0 ships.  It would be great to have them in for the release.


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