MUSL math functions

David Chisnall theraven at
Thu Oct 31 10:46:30 UTC 2013

Hi all,

MUSL (permissively licensed libc for embedded Linux) appears to include implementations of all of the functions that we're currently missing for C99 compliance.  According to the wiki, we are currently missing:

clogf, clog, clogl
coshl, sinhl, tanhl
sincosf, sincos, sincosl
ccosl, ccoshl, csinl, csinhl, ctanl, ctanhl
cacosl, cacoshl, casinl, casinhl, catanl, catanhl
erfcl, erfl
lgammal, tgammal
cpowf, cpow, cpowl

The following are marked as either in-progress or patches available:

clogf, clog, clogl (bde)
sincosf, sincos, sincosl (kargl)
cacosl, cacoshl, casinl, casinhl, catanl, catanhl (stephen)

Are these ready to commit?  What are the current blockers for getting them in?

These are present in the MUSL tree.  Many are from OpenBSD, some are home-grown:

coshl, sinhl, tanhl
ccosl, ccoshl, csinl, csinhl, ctanl, ctanhl
erfcl, erfl
lgammal, tgammal
cpowf, cpow, cpowl

cexpl is missing

Would anyone like to object to importing the ones that are implemented?


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