Use of C99 extra long double math functions after r236148

Peter Jeremy peter at
Sun Aug 12 23:04:31 UTC 2012

On 2012-Jul-27 13:26:11 +1000, Peter Jeremy <peter at> wrote:
>I've been writing a test harness to vet the special case handling of
>all the complex functions (excluding cpow so far).  Basically, it's
>just Appendix G.6 of WG14/N1256 turned into a C array, plus code to
>actually run the tests & interpret the results.  So far, it's about
>1100 lines of which about 1/3 is the test cases and is intended to run
>on x86/armle/sparc and FreeBSD/Linux/Solaris (I'm using Solaris and,
>to a lesser extent, Linux as a cross-check on my interpretation of the
>text).  Once I'm happy with it, I'll circulate it.  I was initially
>hoping to make it commitable but 8-char tabs and 80-char lines would
>require lots of line wrapping that would make it harder for me to

My test harness can be found at
There are no special compilation options, it just needs to be linked
with '-lm' (and '-ldl' on Linux).  For normal use, just run the
executable - it will report any failures.  For "finite" arguments, it
currently uses 3π/4 and 32769 other random numbers (the latter is

It has two test modes for internal testing and debugging:
'-v' verifies that all the argument & result strings are valid and
that there's no duplication of argument vectors (for this purpose, it
doesn't consider '0' as finite and will incorrectly report '1' as an
invalid argument).
'-r' prints all the double-precision test vectors used.  This should
generate 3604951 lines of output.

The output should be reasonably self-explanatory except:
- double-precision function names are printed with a trailing 'd'
- an expected sign of '?' means "don't care".

It reports no errors on OpenSolaris but does report a number of what
appear to be valid errors on Linux.

Whilst I was debugging the code, I found the following elisp useful
for post-processing the output:

(progn (downcase-region (point-min) (point-max))
 (repl-regexp "^ [ ]c" "..c")
 (repl-regexp "^ c" ".c")
 (repl-regexp " *0x[0-9a-f]+ *" " ")
 (repl-regexp " *0x[0-9a-f]+$" "")
 (repl-regexp "infinit[y]" "inf")
 (repl-regexp "0\\.0+e\\+0+\\>" "zer")
 (repl-regexp "1\\.0+e\\+0+\\>" "one")
 (repl-regexp "3\\.14159[0-9]+e\\+00" "pi.")
 (repl-regexp "1\\.57079[0-9]+e\\+00" "p_2")
 (repl-regexp "7\\.85398[0-9]+e\\-01" "p_4")
 (repl-regexp "2\\.35619[0-9]+e\\+00" "3p4")
 (repl-regexp "[0-9]\\.[0-9]+e[-\\+][0-9]+" "fin")
 (repl-regexp "^ *\012" "")
 (repl-regexp "\012 *=" " =")
 (repl-regexp "\012 *expected: *" " # ")
 (repl-regexp "\012 *want *" " # ")
 (repl-regexp " +" " ")
 (repl-regexp "-\\+" " ")
 (repl-regexp " +$" "")
 (repl-regexp "\\([^)]\\)$" "\\1 %%")
 (repl-regexp "^\\(.*= \\)\\(.\\)\\(...\\)\\( .*# \\)\\(.\\)\\3\\(.*\\) %%" "\\1\\2\\3\\4\\5\\3\\6 \\2\\5")
 (repl-regexp "\\([^)]\\)$" "\\1 %%")
 (repl-regexp "^\\(.*= .... \\)\\(.\\)\\(...\\)\\( # .... \\)\\(.\\)\\3\\(.*\\) .." "\\1\\2\\3\\4\\5\\3\\6 \\2\\5")
 (repl-regexp "^\\(......\\)f\\(:.*\012\\)\\1d\\2\\1l\\2" "\\1x\\2")
 (repl-regexp "^\\(......\\)d\\(:.*\012\\)\\1f\\2\\1l\\2" "\\1x\\2")

This turns the output into a series of lines like:
..ctanx: +3p4 +inf = +zer +one # -zer +one +- ++
  fn  ^  Argument     Result     Expected  XX YY
      +- precision (f/d/l) or 'x' if all 3 affected

XX and YY are the real and imaginary actual and expected result signs
or '%' if the category differs between expected and actual.  The above
line (from the Linux output) means that
ctan(3π/4 + I*Inf) returns (+0 + I*1) instead of (-0 + I*1)
'+-' means that the signs of the real parts differ
'++' means that the signs of the imaginary parts are both '+'

Please let me know if you find any errors or have any comments.

Peter Jeremy
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