wireless network with Netgear WG-511

Keith Leonard bsdnut at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 29 13:13:14 PST 2005

Just installed 5.3 and finally got X up and running
with KDE (what an ordeal compared to earlier versions
with XFree 4.4). I've RTFM and manpages and assorted
other info and was able to figure that I needed to
compile "ath" into the kernel which is supposed to be
the driver for the wireless card (note subject line)
on my laptop.

But thats where I run out of road. I really don't have
a clue. Can connect with the built-in ethernet port
but really would like to go wireless.

Can someone point me to the right documentation to get
this card up and running.

I would really appreaciate any help and BTW I don't
own an asbestos suit ;)


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