Using CVS for a project on a 5.3 box

Danny MacMillan flowers at
Wed Mar 23 07:57:19 PST 2005

On Sat, Mar 19, 2005 at 10:51:58AM +0200, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> On 2005-03-18 12:45, steve <steve at> wrote:
> > I believe I will be using CVS in it's most simple sense.  Myself and
> > the few other people working on my project will either SSH under their
> > own accounts to the box and edit project files there, or "check them
> > out" I guess and ftp them to a windows box, edit them, ftp them back
> > and "commit" them after SSH'ing in again.
> You can check out from a Windows box directly.  WinCVS works fine for
> this purpose.  It's setup and making it use an SSH key is always a bit
> confusing for me, but that's because of my little experience with
> Windows software.  It can be done though...

Just a note -- I've used all the Windows GUI CVS clients and the only
one I'd recommend is Tortoise CVS.  It's the no-contest cock of the walk
in my opinion.

It doesn't come with a difference editor, but you can plug one in.  I
highly recommend Araxis Merge.  It's not free, but it's worth paying for.
I've never seen its equal.


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