interested to know the "right" way to backup a box to minimize downtime in case of a crash

admin-list at admin-list at
Sun Mar 20 20:42:12 PST 2005

Steve wrote:

> I would like to know, in general, how people would configure that IBM 
> server to do a little more than just store simple backups from the 
> shuttle cube server.  Really I would like a situation where if the 
> shuttle cube died, I could just dmz the IBM box to serve the webpages 
> and email that the shuttle cube does.  It's not a "mission critical" 
> situation, but I just want to be able to come home from work the night 
> of a failure and without alot of work, swap the boxes.

Here is how i back-up my FreeBSD server's:

We are now doing the same backup strategy on DVD-RW. On top of this, i 
backup via ssh over internet to an off-site location about 15Km away.

Cheers, Mick
E-mail:   admin-list at

¤°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ DeathNet - ¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤

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