Using CVS for a project on a 5.3 box

steve steve at
Fri Mar 18 08:52:58 PST 2005


I've been running a FreeBSD 5.3 box at home for a couple monthes and I'm 
using it to host some webpages for myself and friends.  I do some php 
programming and I'm working on a project and for the first time I want to 
use CVS. 

CVS is installed on my box, but I don't know how to run it.  Does CVS run as 
a service like apache or mysql?  If so, how do I start it? 

Also, where do people typically install a project cvsroot?  The programming 
project has it's own user account on the box where the latest version of the 
code runs as a webpage.  So for example: 

/home/st4nk/st4nk-www/  <- (apache virtual directory to serve up latest php 

so could I just create a directory: 


And make that the master respository for the project?  When I work on the 
project files I may or may not log into the box as user st4nk...that 
shouldn't matter, correct? 


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