ASP alternatives?

Joaquin Menchaca linuxuser at
Thu Mar 10 00:13:31 GMT 2005

  > But, uh, last I knew nobody (That I've found) has gotten mod_mono
> working on FreeBSD.  I don't know, maybe the new release works or 
> something.  I'm not really a developer, and compiling from source is 
> enough to scare me away if there's so much as a single hickup.  I'm 
> holding out for a successful mod_mono/XSP binary for FreeBSD... (with or 
> without Linux emulation) if one doesn't appear soon I fear I'll need to 
> switch my server back to Linux within a couple of months, when I'll need 
> to start implementing ASP .NET pages.
>        Cheerio,
>             SigmaX

Have you heard of DotGNU and Portable.NET?  That might be more of a 
direction.  The focus there is more for cross-platform.  But the FORMS 
is not very attractive, but it works.  There might be something under 
that umbrella.

The Mono project is focused heavily on mainstream platforms like Linux, 
MacOSX and yes Windows.  If it really takes off and becomes popular, it 
could perhaps even circumvent MS strategy of global domination of the 
software industry. :-)  There undoubtedly will be momentum to port it to 
the BSDs, and since MacOSX is bsd-like, this is more hopeful.

In the mean time, if I could get my X to work like I want it to, then 
I'll try more fun stuff like this...

  -- Joaquin

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