
Chris bsd_wave at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 8 13:02:04 GMT 2005

Hi there
As you might have guessed i'm a UNIX newbie, especially a FreeBSD newbie. I recently started to learn FreeBSD UNIX and i must say that it is absolutely unbelievable. 
Previously i learned Linux, the accessible solution for non-Windows operating systems 'till one day when a friend of mine introduced me to the UNIX universe and from that moment on nothing mattered more than to learn and understand this collossal OS.
I will also try other distributions of UNIX like OpenBSD, NetBSD, or Solaris 10.
I hope i was not boring you with my stories and i would like to stay in touch with the UNIX community.
PS: i'd like to add that i'm from Romania, i'm 23, and i'm a student. Just so you know.

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