Installation problems

Kevin Kinsey kdk at
Thu May 27 07:52:03 PDT 2004

Paul Brownsea wrote:

>I downloaded and burned the FreeBSD 4.9 ISO images and I can't seem to 
>install. I get past the bit with configuring the kernel but get stuck just 
>afterwards, the last two messages are as follows:
>ad0: READ command timeout tag=0 serv=0 - resetting
>ata0: resetting devices .. 
>And then it just hangs.

Please direct technical questions to the list at
freebsd-questions at

This looks like a hardware issue, specifically the
hard drive, but you'll get a better answer there.

Be sure and do a little googling first, and tell
'em you're a "newb" so they'll go easy on ya ...
(LOL, they probably will, anyway...)

Good luck,

Kevin Kinsey
DaleCo, S.P.

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