Tastes Like Chicken

Kevin Stevens kevin_stevens at pursued-with.net
Tue Mar 23 19:22:08 PST 2004

On Mar 23, 2004, at 20:12, Jason Dusek wrote:

> Kevin Stevens wrote:??  How is it any different than just running OS X 
> in those regards?  You can run KDE/Gnome on X if you really want to.
>> KeS
> You really can't run GNOME on OS X - it's more like you can run them 
> next to each other.

Don't follow, if you run X fullscreen it's just like any other box.

>   And there aren't nearly as many functional ports.


>   And you don't have to set your IP address on a Macintosh.


>   I mentioned the unique *combination* of fuctionality and 
> instructional challenges.

Ok, I was just curious.  I run the same things on my G5 now as I did on 
my FreeBSD server, with about the same amount of "functionality and 


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