Need help with devices

[SKR] Pedro Alonso Lopez lopez at
Tue Jul 27 10:25:06 PDT 2004

hi all, im new freebsd user.
my question ist where to get text or howto change my pci configuration.

i got a 3com ethernetcard but the xl0 device (viewed with pciconf -vl) points to a false selector (pci0:8:0, amd-751 usb controler), my ethernetcard is in pci0:9:0 how i can change this? does is must code something to do this or can i change this directly (i searched the handbook and the manuals but only found some scripts)? my card work fine... but the same problem exist with my graphic card and my scsi card. so if i start XFree with kde... my pc works finde in kde but if i log off, it hangs and i have to hardreset it. i use the standart vl drivers. and in my xfreeconfig i set the busid to pci:1:5:0. whitch is in pciconf -vl my scsi card.

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