xdm an tty's

Marcel.lautenbach freebsd at xtsy.de
Mon Aug 23 13:57:02 PDT 2004

Hi folks,

well, I just started up with FreeBSD. Otherwise I would not be writing
to this group :-)

So, up to date I am rather limited in my knowldege :-)

And here is my first problem: I have set up a running and functional
FreeBSD 4.10 System in an VMware enviroment.

Well, I came to a pioint where it is said you could autostart xdm by
eddeting the /etc/ttys for tty8 and set on the xdm -daemon.

So far, so good. Now, I start the system and automacially xdm starts
up. I just have to login and can run my favourite Desktop, e.g. KDE.

Well, but how can I switch in xdm to another tty. Generally I can use
the F-Keys in combination with ALT to switch. But when I am in xdm and I do not want to
login-in via xdm and start KDE, how can I swith. When I us ALT-F2 for
instance I don't get tty1. Al it says ist that my login is not correct
after the second try, because I am in the user/password fields. Can someone helmp me with this matter?
I would defenitely appreciate it :-)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
mailto:freebsd at xtsy.de

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