AW: FreeBSD does not reply to IPv6 Neighbor Solicitations

Lutz Donnerhacke lutz at
Tue Jan 5 11:58:27 UTC 2021

> > May you be able to capture the icmp6 traffic of this interface with
> > respect to ND? I'm really interested in seeing, that the box does
> > not respond to a given NS query.
> Here you are

The device, where the capture was taken does not respond tot he NS packet.
This might be caused by:
 a) the device has a different configured IP address, than requested
 b) the network card does not listen to the multicast group, which is
    used by the request (you see it only due to the promisc mode of the
    capture). But this is unlikely (due to the promisc mode)
 c) your system is broken

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