VLAN+bridge problem [was: no network between jails and host with VNET on same interface]

Alexander N. Lunev lan at zato.ru
Mon Oct 7 06:22:07 UTC 2019

02.10.2019 12:21, Bjoern A. Zeeb пишет:
> My best guess would be to try to create the VLAN interface on the host 
> upon the bridge and not upon the physical interface.  Can you try that 
> and see if that works?

I've tested with tcpdump, and here's what i found:

Host interfaces:
em0 up
vlan22 vlandev em0 vlan22
epair0a - part of epair for jail foo
bridge0 addm epair0 addm em0

Jail foo interfaces:
epair0b up (vnet interface)
vlan22 vlandev epair0b vlan22

While pinging from jail IP tcpdump see ARP packets all way 
through to em0:

# tcpdump -i em0 -e | grep 10.15.
18:18:37.194891 02:62:bb:b6:19:0b (oui Unknown) > Broadcast, ethertype 
802.1Q (0x8100), length 46: vlan 22, p 0, ethertype ARP, Request who-has tell, length 28
18:18:38.222494 02:62:bb:b6:19:0b (oui Unknown) > Broadcast, ethertype 
802.1Q (0x8100), length 46: vlan 22, p 0, ethertype ARP, Request who-has tell, length 28

But for some reason they're not reaching host's vlan22 interface which 
have "vlandev em0 vlan 22" config. How could it be?

Ipfw is not enabled.

# uname -a
FreeBSD virt 12.1-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 12.1-PRERELEASE r352266 GENERIC  amd64

# kldstat
Id Refs Address                Size Name
  1   20 0xffffffff80200000  2448b88 kernel
  2    1 0xffffffff8281a000     2668 intpm.ko
  3    1 0xffffffff8281d000      b50 smbus.ko
  4    1 0xffffffff8281e000     18a0 uhid.ko
  5    1 0xffffffff82820000     1aa0 wmt.ko
  6    1 0xffffffff82822000     2940 nullfs.ko
  7    1 0xffffffff82825000     6fc0 if_bridge.ko
  8    1 0xffffffff8282c000     41c8 bridgestp.ko
  9    1 0xffffffff82831000     1a20 if_epair.ko

Best regards,
Alexander Lunev

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