Eliminating IPv6 (?)

Patrick M. Hausen hausen at punkt.de
Tue Jun 18 12:35:05 UTC 2019

Hi all,

> Am 18.06.2019 um 13:54 schrieb Robert Huff <roberthuff at rcn.com>:
> 	If this is true - haven't checked personally - then it's a bug.
> (And a non-trivial one, the fact you're the first to report it
> notwithstanding.)
> 	Can you please open a bug report?

I doubt it would qualify as a bug - possibly a bug in the docs, yes.

Because the observed behaviour is definitely intentional. The flow of statements in rc.firewall is:

0.	flush all rules
1.	setup_loopback
2.	setup_ipv6_mandatory

and no configuration is going to skip that - hence the only way is to use
firewall_script. Then it goes on:

3.	is firewall_type one of the predefined „open“, „simple“, etc.? —> configure accordingly
4.	if not and firewall_type points to a readable file, suck in rules from there

So, yes, there will always be mandatory IPv6 rules in place. That’s why
they are called mandatory, I figure ;-)

Kind regards,
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