FreeBSD Potential Business Contacts

Melissa Smith melissa.smith at
Tue Dec 18 19:08:10 UTC 2018




Hope this email finds you well.


Would you be interested in acquiring our recently verified data of FreeBSD
Users List?


Each Contact Includes: Names, Title, Email, Phone, Company Name, Company URL
and Company physical address, SIC Code, Industry, Company Size (Revenue and


We also have related technology users like: Google Sheets, Nagios,
PeopleSoft,, Wufoo, Marketo and many more.


Please let me know and share your thoughts, if you are interested so that I
will get back to you with the counts, sample and pricing in detail.


Note: If you sign up before CHRISTMAS Day, we can provide a discount of 30%
on the list purchase.



Melissa Smith

Sr. Lead Generation


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