strange nfs/rsync stalls

Gerrit Kühn gerrit.kuehn at
Wed Nov 4 13:49:21 UTC 2015

Hi all,

I see some weird (I think) NFS issue here:
I have a NFS server running 10.2-RELEASE exporting a directory to a NFS
client running 10.2-STABLE (as of yesterday, tried that update from 10.1
to see if it would fix this issue, but it stayed with me). I use rsync on
the client to copy data from local disks to nfs.
This appears to work for a few minutes, then the rsync process gets stuck
in state "NEWNFS". Messages "newnfs server servername:/data/systems: not
responding" start appearing and get repeated over and over.

What I think is strange: I cannot see any issue apart from these rsync
jobs getting stuck. I can still access the nfs-mounted data on the client
just fine in a different shell. I can read, write, do whatever I like, but
the rsync job never moves on.
I have a couple of other machines that use the same server in the same way,
none of them ever showed this behaviour. Are there any suggestions how to
debug/fix this?


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