RFC 7217

Tom Pusateri pusateri at bangj.com
Sun Sep 7 17:03:14 UTC 2014

I read the draft and wasn't sure what problem they were trying to solve. They talk about moving from network to network which seems aimed at laptops or mobile devices. But randomizing the interface id but keeping it the same on a particular network allows consistency on each network but you could still be tracked on that network (like using the MAC address) even though you couldn't be tracked across networks (unlike using the MAC address).

Why not just use temporary addresses (RFC 4941)?

On the server side, this draft could be implemented in rtadvd. Not sure who maintains that.

Is that what you're looking for? To see if someone is working on changes to rtadvd?


> On Sep 6, 2014, at 6:46 PM, Garrett Wollman <wollman at bimajority.org> wrote:
> So is anyone working on an RFC 7217 ("Stable and Opaque IIDs with
> SLAAC") implementation for FreeBSD yet?
> -GAWollman
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