When to use and not use divert/natd ...

John Case case at SDF.ORG
Sat Sep 6 03:15:48 UTC 2014


For many years I would build FreeBSD firewalls and they would be very, 
very simple - I just set gateway_enable="yes" in rc.conf and everything 
just worked.

However, these firewalls *always* had real, routable IPs no both sides. 
Both interfaces had real, routable IPs.

Now I have a firewall that has two non-routable IPs for its interfaces, 
and is connected to a internet router with the real IP.  When I try to 
builda  very simple firewall  it does not work, and I am forced to use 
ipdivert and natd.

If I use ipdivert and natd, it works just fine.

So, am I correct that I can create a simple gateway without natd/divert as 
long as both interfaces are real IPs, but if both interfaces are 
non-routable IPs, I am forced to use divert/natd ?

Is that correct ?

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