hostcache's effect on initcwnd calculation

hiren panchasara hiren.panchasara at
Mon Mar 24 08:07:30 UTC 2014

Host A:10000 talks to Host B:20000 (10000 and 20000 being ports) and
it gets logged in tcp's hostcache.

Now if a new connection happens between A:10001 and Host B:20000, the
initcwnd (initial congestion window) would not look at the CWND from
hostcache but will always use what we've set as tp->snd_cwnd in
cc_conn_init() of tcp_input.c - is this a correct assumption?

What I want to confirm is, whether hostcache has any effect on initial
congestion window of a new connection being setup.

>From my reading of the code, cc_conn_init() always happens before we
call tcp_hc_get() to get data out of hostcache to update other
parameters of a connection.

I do not see hc_entry->rmx_cwnd being actually used anywhere in
tcp_input.c while connection bring up.

Am I missing anything?


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