NFS over LAGG / lacp poor performance

Gerrit Kühn gerrit.kuehn at
Fri Apr 25 14:13:26 UTC 2014

On Fri, 25 Apr 2014 15:02:15 +0100 "Steven Hartland"
<killing at> wrote about Re: NFS over LAGG / lacp poor

SH> We find that large numbers of queues causes high interrupt issues

Like the thing I am seeing with igb1 on my system?

root at storage:/root #	vmstat -i
interrupt                          total       rate
irq1: atkbd0                        2743          0
irq18: ehci0 uhci5               4445560          2
irq21: uhci1                          29          0
cpu0:timer                     355724275        227
irq256: igb0:que 0              99437514         63
irq257: igb0:que 1              61534816         39
irq258: igb0:que 2             101725601         65
irq259: igb0:que 3             100864440         64
irq260: igb0:link                      2          0
irq261: igb1:que 0               1689527          1
irq262: igb1:que 1            2357590958       1510
irq263: igb1:que 2               1584474          1
irq264: igb1:que 3               1923144          1
irq265: igb1:link                      2          0
irq266: mps0                   332232450        212
irq267: mps1                   194207894        124
irq268: mps2                   176700834        113
irq269: ahci0                   59175548         37
cpu1:timer                     419838321        268
cpu3:timer                     329696415        211
cpu2:timer                     328219053        210
Total                         4926593600       3156

irq262 sticks out like a sore thumb...

SH> however at a guess you did this to enable the machine to boot with
SH> all nics due to lack of auto mbuf tuning in 9.x.
SH> I'd go with ~2 queues per nic.

I was wondering what to try next for my system: either manually set the
queues back to 2 or 1 per NIC, or try upgrading to either 9.2 or 10 as it
looked like there have been improvements in the igb driver. Do you have
any recommendations on that?


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