Some gruesome moments with performance of FreeBSD at over 20K interfaces

Vladislav Prodan universite at
Thu Apr 10 11:26:52 UTC 2014

> On Wed, 9 Apr 2014, Vladislav Prodan wrote:
> VP>b) Service bsnmpd started at 12K interfaces, but immediately loaded CPU 
> VP>at 80-100%
> I could imagine that this is because of the statistics polling. bsnmp 
> implements 64-bit interface statistics but we have only 32-bit statistics 
> in the kernel. So it polls the kernel statistics for each interface on a 
> rate that ensures that 32-bit don't overflow. If the interfaces are GBit 
> or, worse, 10GBit interfaces the polling rate is rather high (in the order 
> of seconds).
> You should either make sure that the interfaces report sensible bitrates 
> (I doubt that 20k interfaces could all be GBit interfaces) or force a slower 
> polling interval by setting begemotIfForcePoll.0 to some large value.
> harti

Thanks for the tip.

At least 10 interfaces to be 1Gb, and the rest no more than 50M.
BegemotIfForcePoll parameter in this case a little help, you will be forced to stand another value for Gigabit Interface begemotIfForcePoll ...

Vladislav V. Prodan 
System & Network Administrator 
+380 67 4584408, +380 99 4060508

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