questions about (system) dhclient

Dave Duchscher daved at
Fri Apr 4 03:02:42 UTC 2014

On Apr 1, 2014, at 10:29 AM, Robert Huff <roberthuff at> wrote:

> 	Synopsis of my (apparent) problem: DISCOVER, OFFER, REQUEST,
> and ACKNOWLEDGEMENT all happen correctly ... but the information
> doesn't make it to ifconfig or the routing table.

Have you tried commenting everything out of dhclient.conf? I don’t
see any wrong but its sometimes useful return a system to its
default state.

To see what is happening with the /sbin/dhclient-script which does the
actual configuration, you will need to modify it to output some
debugging info. Add the following two lines to the start of the script.

  exec 1>>/tmp/dhclient.log 2>&1
  set -x

Then restart dhclient.

Hopefully that output will give you some insight of what is going on.


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