use of non-contiguous masks in address lookups ?

sthaug at sthaug at
Thu May 24 07:50:05 UTC 2012

> every now and then the issue comes up on whether we still need
> to support non-contiguous masks in address lookups.
> I seem to remember someone (perhaps on this list) making a
> case for their presence, but forgot the details.
> So, does anyone know of a practical use of non contiguous masks ?

I vote for removing non-contiguous masks. They are incompatible with
CIDR, which was introduced in 1993 (!).

Non-contiguous masks have been unsupported in many routers produced
the last 10 years or so.

E.g. for Juniper M/MX/T routers you specify an interface address with
a contiguous mask ( etc). It is *not possible* to specify a
non-contiguous mask. Address lookup is always based on longest prefix

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug at

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