carp + carpdev option?

Freddie Cash fjwcash at
Tue Jun 1 16:37:02 UTC 2010

On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 8:02 AM, Ferdinand Goldmann <
ferdinand.goldmann at> wrote:

> It seems that this question has been asked several times before ...
> It looks like there is no carpdev option in 7.x :-(
> Having this options should bring several advantages:
> - One would only have to use a single public IP address (the carp
> interface),
>  and would be able to configure the physical parent interface with a
> private
>  IP address for management purposes only.
> - One would not have to fiddle around with application configuration, like
>  telling Squid to use the IP address of the carp interface as sender IP
>  (and not the IP of the parent interface ...)
> Is there any hope this option gets ported to FreeBSD? Maybe in 8.x?

Max L. (can't remember how to spell his last name) had some patches
available for 7.x to enable carpdev support.  I did some testing of them
back then and they worked .... so long as the IPs/devices were all added in
the exact same order on all interfaces.  The CARP hashes wouldn't match if
anything was different between interfaces.  If you didn't use multiple IPs
on the CARP devices, they worked perfectly.

The patches were never imported to the source tree, though.

I agree.  It would be nice to have carpdev support in FreeBSD, as it makes
things cleaner.  And it lines up with vlan(4), lagg(4), and if_bridge(4)
where you can specify devices and not have to rely on IPs/subnets.

Here's hoping that it gets added in some future update of pf/carp from
OpenBSD.  :)  It's the final missing link in our dreams of redundant
firewalls/routers and storage servers.

Freddie Cash
fjwcash at

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