Broadcast packet not being sent

Peter Steele psteele at
Mon Jan 12 16:02:14 PST 2009

I am using scapy to construct a UDP broadcast packet. The code I'm using




Send 1 packets.


This works fine when I have an IP assigned to the box. However, when no
IP is assigned, I get the following messages:

The sendp generates these warnings:


WARNING: No route found for IPv6 destination :: (no default route?)

WARNING: No route found (no default route?)

WARNING: No route found (no default route?)

WARNING: No route found (no default route?)


Sent 1 packets.


I assume these warnings are okay, since of course there can't be a route
in a scenario like the one I'm using. It's the same environment a DHCP
client would face. However, despite scapy saying the packet was sent, it
does not in fact leave the machine (I've confirmed this with tcpdump).
As I said, if the box has an IP address, then the packet is sent as
expected, but that defeats the purpose since we are developing a custom
DHCP-like protocol.


The only think suspicious that I am seeing is this error in


Jan 12 16:13:52  kernel: looutput: af=31 unexpected


I get one of these each time I try to send a broadcast when no IP is
assigned. I did an google search but did not any useful hits on this. If
anyone here has any idea what's going on, I'd appreciate some feedback.
I think I have the correct packet constructed, but clearly something is
wrong, and it may very well be user error.




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