AW: Intel embedded NICs not working with FreeBSD 6.2, 6.3 and 7.0

Fuchs, Martin martin.fuchs at
Sat May 31 11:40:51 UTC 2008

Ok, back again... sorry for letting you wait so long, but i had a lot to do...

Since there's no possibility to copy via putty i'm copying by hand... hopefully there are not too many errors :-)

pciconf -lcv

fxp0 at pci0:1:4:0:		class=0x020000	card=0x00708086	chip=0x12298086	rev=x010
	class		=	network
	subclass	=	ethernet
	cap01[dc]	=	powerspec	2	supports	D0 D1 D2 D3	current D0

fxp1 at pci0:1:5:0:		class=0x020000	card=0x00708086	chip=0x12298086	rev=x010
	class		=	network
	subclass	=	ethernet
	cap01[dc]	=	powerspec	2	supports	D0 D1 D2 D3	current D0

fxp2 at pci0:1:8:0:		class=0x020000	card=0x30118086	chip=0x103a8086	rev=x010
	class		=	network
	subclass	=	ethernet
	cap01[dc]	=	powerspec	2	supports	D0 D1 D2 D3	current D0

dmesg shows for example:

fxp0: link state changed to down
fxp1: link state changed to down
fxp2: link state changed to down
fxp1: link state changed to up	<- when I attach a network cable to a switch

devinfo does not work... does not find the command (it's the freebsd under pfSense)

vmstat -i

interrupt			total		rate
irq0: clk			1348688	999
irq5: ehci0			9043		6
irq8: rtc			172621	127
irq10: fxp1			91		0
irq12: fxp0			86		0
irq14: uhci0 ata0		792		0
irq15: ata1			2738		2
Total				1534059	1137


Hope you can use this information ?



-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Pyun YongHyeon [mailto:pyunyh at] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2008 02:35
An: Fuchs, Martin
Cc: freebsd-net at
Betreff: Re: Intel embedded NICs not working with FreeBSD 6.2, 6.3 and 7.0

On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 08:22:56PM +0200, Fuchs, Martin wrote:
 > Hi !
 > I am in contact with Chris Buechler because of pfSense and we he told me
 > to contact Jack Vogel because of some Intel NIC driver problem.
 > FreeBSD detects them as fxp cards which is correct, but they do not work
 > at all, i tried in ACPI and non-ACPI mode and with enabled ROM and
 > disabled ROM and everything, but I cannot get them working...
 > I always get "fxp0 timeout" or fxpX fort he corresponding card... I read
 > it might have something to do with dynamic powersaving mode or else but
 > have no clue how to deactivate, there's no option in the ROM for this.
 > It's an appliance board (NexCom EBC575) with Intel 845GV / Intel 82801DB
 > (ICH4)-chipset and 2 x Intel 82551QM (PRO/100 Network Connection), 1 x
 > ICH4 integrated LAN Int on board.
 > Is there anything I can tot o make it work for now or is it a known
 > problem or else ?

Since there are too many variants of fxp hardwares it would be
even better to post the output of the following.
 o pciconf -lcv
 o dmesg output related with fxp(4)
 o devinfo -rv | grep oui
 o vmstat -i

 > Regards,
 > looking forward to hear from you,
 > Martin

Pyun YongHyeon

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