Suggestions on a PPPoE server with mpd

Einstein Oliveira einstein at
Mon May 19 17:31:27 UTC 2008

Hi all,

In an attempt to change from pppoed + ppp to mpd I'm having some strange 
behaviour with the later on the same host that usually handles 100+ 
clients with the former.

Basically it's a i386 FreeBSD 6.3 system with mpd-5.1 and 1 GB Ram. 
Users can connect without any problem.

After a few minutes a SECOND mpd process is initiated and this one 
consumes all idle processing of the host.

Whoever is connected before that still remains connected but no new user 
can get in anymore. Also logging stops being generated.

The only solution is a killall -KILL on mpd.

On another host I have the same configuration working as expected but 
with less than 50 clients.

Both configurations are the same from mpd.conf.sample.

So I'm looking for any suggestions that somebody has been using to 
handle that many pppoe connections (100+) with mpd.


Einstein Oliveira              einstein at
Yawl Internet Ltda.

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