IPv6 routing help?

Steve Bertrand steve at ibctech.ca
Thu Dec 18 13:39:49 PST 2008

Ivan Voras wrote:

> As far as I understand ipv6 (very little), this basically says the
> router told the client it can't send packets to outside addresses with
> source addresses that are link-local. Is this correct?

I don't know much about 6to4. All of my IPv6 is native, but what you are
saying appears correct.

It is almost like a translation at the router should be happening, but
it is not.

> However, adding an ipv6 address to the client, in this case
> 2002:xxyy:xxyy::10/64 doesn't help and breaks even pinging the router's
> external address. It looks to me like I'm missing something important in
> the relation between the link-local and the global addresses, but what?

In this case, you are implementing the same IP prefix on both sides of
the router, which won't work.

Try to ping6 www.freebsd.org from the router itself. If that works, the
issue is most certainly the router. If this is the case, hopefully
someone with more 6to4 experience can explain why your router is not
doing the expected thing.


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