BCE on FreeBSD and oversized packet acceptance.

Julian Elischer julian at elischer.org
Sat Sep 15 11:12:42 PDT 2007

Randy Bush wrote:
>>>> what size is the actual maximal sized jumbo packet we will ever see?
>>> some transpac science community folk, who care more about speed trials
>>> with big data sets than they do about over-stretching the ethernet crc,
>>> use 9k jumbo frames.
>> well that's the standard but the highest I've seen mentioned as a normal
>> size is I think 9220 bytes.
> i suggest being careful with the word "standard."  ieee, which controls
> the ethernet spec, has refused to standardize anything above 1500 on the
> grounds that it would over-stretch the crc.

true, (I was surprised to not see 9k packets in the standard (though old)
that I have. (I guess now I'm in Cisco I could get to a newer one).
but practicality suggests that we spport what the customer is doing.

> randy

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