IPFW/Divert problem...

Eric F Crist ecrist at secure-computing.net
Mon Nov 5 14:37:54 PST 2007

I've been working on doing some bandwidth accounting with ipfw count  
rules, but I've come across a very crappy problem.  After adding the  
following two lines to /etc/rc.conf, I'm posed with a question during  
Loading divert daemons are you sure [yn]:

And there it sits, forever, waiting for an answer.  I've tried adding  
natd_enable="NO", natd_enable="YES", removing natd_enable entirely  
from my rc.conf file, and having IPDIVERT compiled into the kernel,  
and not.  No matter what I do, I cannot get rid of this damn question!

Thanks for the speedy replies!
Eric F Crist
Secure Computing Networks

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