Avoiding natd overhead

Brett Glass brett at lariat.net
Mon Oct 23 18:50:45 UTC 2006

At 10:21 PM 10/21/2006, Julian Elischer wrote:

>OR in 7.0 you can call netgraph directly
>there is a netgraph keyword in ipfw.

I just took a look at that. Could work, except that the ng_nat 
Netgraph node only does very basic NAT. One can't do static NAT, 
and none of natd's other options are accessible.

Whilst perusing the code, I also noticed that libalias expects all 
packets to be in a single contiguous buffer. This means that ng_nat 
doesn't get rid of one of the big inefficiencies involved in the 
use of natd: the need to make a copy of the mbuf chain containing 
the packet to ensure contiguity. (This is an issue with anything 
that uses divert sockets, but it creeps in with ng_nat as well due 
to the way libalias is coded.) Using a Netgraph node would help 
with the ring transition, though, so there should be some savings. 
Has the "netgraph" keyword been MFCed?

--Brett Glass

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