Passwd troubles with OpenLDAP on FreeBSD 5/6

Juergen Dankoweit Juergen.Dankoweit at
Fri Oct 6 12:31:06 PDT 2006

Hello to the list.

Since two weeks I try to find out what's going on in my LDAP
installation (I've looked/postet in forums and the whole internet,
nobody didn't know anything).

Changing the password with passwd (I have modified passwd.c to work with
LDAP, see attachment) throws out the following message:
"Enter login(LDAP) password:"
If I enter there the LDAP password which is set in the slapd.conf then
the prompt message is repeated. If I enter the password of the logged in
user, then I get an error: "permission denied".
When I change the password with
>>ldappasswd -W -S -D "cn=Manager,dc=juergendankoweit,dc=net"
"uid=<UserID>,ou=Users,dc=juergendankoweit,dc=net"<< everything is OK.

Logging in with that user data is no problem, that works very good.

As you can see in the attached files there are no restrictions set
(access to * by * write), there is no TLS or SASL.

(+) Installed packages n the Client (FreeBSD 6.1):
    nss_ldap-1.244, pam_ldap-1.8.0, openldap-client-2.2.30
    (as dependency of the both first)
(+) On the server (FreeBSD 5.4):

Many thanks in advance for helping.

Best regards


PS: /usr/local/etc/ldap.conf and /usr/local/etc/openldap/ldap.conf are
the same and ldap.secret contains the same password (here in clear text)
as in slapd.conf on the server.
PPS: Sorry for the long posting, but I don't know where to do what...

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-------------- next part --------------
# $FreeBSD: src/etc/pam.d/system,v 1.1 2003/06/14 12:35:05 des Exp $
# System-wide defaults

# auth
auth		sufficient		no_warn no_fake_prompts
auth		requisite	no_warn allow_local
#auth		sufficient		no_warn try_first_pass
#auth		sufficient		no_warn try_first_pass
auth		sufficient	/usr/local/lib/ no_warn try_first_pass config=/usr/local/etc/pam_ldap.conf
auth		required		no_warn try_first_pass nullok

# account
#account 	required
account		sufficient	/usr/local/lib/ config=/usr/local/etc/pam_ldap.conf
account		required
account		required

# session
#session 	optional
session		required	/usr/local/lib/
session		required		no_fail

# password
#password	sufficient		no_warn try_first_pass
password	sufficient	/usr/local/lib/ no_warn try_first_pass config=/usr/local/etc/pam_ldap.conf
password	required		no_warn try_first_pass
-------------- next part --------------
# /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.conf
# erstellt: 23.02.2006
# =====================================================================
include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
# include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/misc.schema
include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema

# fuer Evolution
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
include /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/evolution-data-server-1.4/evolutionperson.schema

# Zugriffsrechte
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# access to attr=userPassword
#	by dn="cn=Manager,dc=juergendankoweit,dc=net" write
#	by self write
#	by * none

access to * by * write

allow bind_v2

# PID und ARGS-File
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
pidfile /var/run/openldap/
argsfile /var/run/openldap/slapd.args

# Datenbankberechtigungen und -Konfiguration
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
database ldbm
directory /database/openldap-data

# Basisdatenbank
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
suffix "dc=juergendankoweit,dc=net"
rootdn "cn=Manager,dc=juergendankoweit,dc=net"
# Passwort: #######
rootpw {CRYPT}passwort

# Indezierregel fuer Objektklassen
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
index objectClass eq

TLSVerifyClient never

# Debugging
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# loglevel 128
-------------- next part --------------
# $FreeBSD: src/etc/pam.d/passwd,v 1.3 2003/04/24 12:22:42 des Exp $
# PAM configuration for the "passwd" service

# passwd(1) does not use the auth, account or session services.

# password
#password	requisite		enforce=users
password	sufficient	/usr/local/lib/ no_warn try_first_pass config=/usr/local/etc/pam_ldap.conf
password	required		no_warn try_first_pass nullok
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uri ldap://
base dc=juergendankoweit,dc=net
rootbinddn cn=Manager,dc=juergendankoweit,dc=net

ldap_version 3

ssl off
bind_timelimit 10
# bind_policy soft
pam_password crypt
pam_filter objectclass=posixAccount
pam_login_attribute uid
# pam_member_attribute memberUid

scope sub

# Debugging
# debug 256
# logdir /var/log

-------------- next part --------------
uri ldap://
base dc=juergendankoweit,dc=net
rootbinddn cn=Manager,dc=juergendankoweit,dc=net

ldap_version 3

ssl off
bind_timelimit 10
# bind_policy soft

scope sub

nss_base_passwd ou=Users,dc=juergendankoweit,dc=net?one
# nss_base_shadow ou=Users,dc=juergendankoweit,dc=net?one
nss_base_group ou=Groups,dc=juergendankoweit,dc=net?one

# Debugging
# debug 256
# logdir /var/log

-------------- next part --------------
uri ldap://
base dc=juergendankoweit,dc=net

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