MPD and client behind firewall

Tiago Cruz tiagocruz at
Wed Jan 18 05:03:11 PST 2006

Hello Sten, very thanks by your reply!

On Wed, 2006-01-18 at 11:28 +0100, Sten Daniel Sørsdal wrote:

> I believe it to be an IPTables and PF issue.

What? Oh my god...
So, what can I do in PF-side?

My potential VPN users have the client configured in your notebook, and
I think that they always will need to connect trough NAT (modem,
routers, netfilter, pf...) and I will have always this problem? :-/

> Hints to bring along to the IPTables mailing lists:
> PPTP needs PPTP helper, _make sure_ the PPTP helper doesn't corrupt the

So, I think that I'll need modify my kernel/ netfilter... but this
information I'll look at netfilter mailing, thank you!

> PF doesn't have really try to fix NAT issues by rewriting packets. There
>  might be a PPTP proxy out there somewhere?

Well, my server-side haven't NAT, the pptp is listen direct at internet.
But, if I this pptp proxy solve my problem I'll create one :) Can you
help me to do this?

Very thanks!


Tiago Cruz
Linux User #282636

"The box said: Requires MS Windows or better, so I installed Linux"

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