FreeBSD NFS server not responding to TCP SYN packets from Linux/SunOS clients

Mike Silbersack silby at
Mon Oct 24 02:18:34 PDT 2005

Sorry for the delay, you took me out of the To: listing, so the message 
just went into my lists box, which I didn't get to until today.

On Fri, 14 Oct 2005, Nicolas KOWALSKI wrote:

>> Assuming that port reuse is the problem, there is no quick fix for
>> this, just resetting connections when a SYN comes in would be a
>> really big security problem.
> Really? Are Linux and Solaris that insecure because of this behaviour?

Not necessarily - there are a bunch of different ways to handle the 
situation better than we do at present.  I don't know how Solaris/Linux do 
it right now, nor have I had time to implement an improvement for FreeBSD. 
Maybe in January I'll have time.

>> Actually, there may be a quick fix for this specific machine.  If you
>> set net.inet.tcp.keepidle to 1 minute (60*whatever kern.hz is),
>> that'll cause keepalive packets to be sent every minute to an idle
>> connection, rather than every 2 hours.  That would kill the stuck
>> connections much quicker.
> Unfortunately, this does not work as expected. I just tested with my
> workstation (Linux 2.6), with NFS filesystems mounted with TCP; when
> the station rebooted abruptely, mounting the same NFS filesystems hung
> more than 1 minute (15 minutes just now). During this hang, I saw on
> the server, using netstat, the nfsd process related to my workstation
> in ESTABLISHED state.
> Any other tip?
> Many Thanks in advance,
> -- 
> Nicolas

Ok, I have one other quick fix idea, but it's a bit crazy.  ipfw is 
supposed to send keepalive packets when rules go idle and are about to 
expire.  So, if you make a keep-state rule for incoming connections, then 
maybe ipfw would somehow close down the dead connection.

Mike "Silby" Silbersack

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