Who wants SACK? (Re: was My planned work on networking stack)

Craig Rodrigues rodrigc at crodrigues.org
Tue Mar 9 07:15:52 PST 2004

On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 08:54:57PM -0500, Mark Allman wrote:
> On the freebsd web page, there is a note about monetary contributions.
> I wonder if it would be worth it to make this a bit more verbose and
> list specific things that are in need of funding.  So, companies can tag
> a small donation for "SACK development" and when there is enough in the
> pool it can just get done.  Would that spurn folks on a bit?

The FreeBSD Foundation is probably the organization which is
best equipped to do this:


The FreeBSD Foundation is registered as a 501(c) non-profit 
organization (for non-U.S. people, 501(c) is a section of the U.S.
tax code which designates an organization as non-profit, which 
gives some tax benefits).  They seem to be best equipped to receive
donations, and fund specific FreeBSD work.  These contributions would be 
tax-deductible, which is one incentive to donate.

Craig Rodrigues        
rodrigc at crodrigues.org

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