HEADS UP: pf linked to the build/install now

Max Laier max at love2party.net
Mon Mar 8 17:12:31 PST 2004


as you may have seen pf is now linked to the build and can be installed from
the base system. Make sure to run `mergemaster -p' before the installworld
as it requires two additional user accounts/groups.

If you do not want to build/install pf you can use the NO_PF knob in

For the moment you will have troubles with pflog and tcpdump as we are
waiting for a vendor branch update of tcpdump/libpcap.

To build a kernel that supports pf you have to add at least:
	options		PFIL_HOOKS
	device		pf

to the GENERIC kernel configuration. Optional you can use:
	device		pflog
	device		pfsync

to build-in logging and syncing. Note that it is currently not possible to
pull in these in as a module right now. However it is possible to use pf as
a module. To do this you must add the following to GENERIC:
	options		PFIL_HOOKS
	options		RANDOM_IP_ID

already existing in GENERIC, but also required by pf as a module:
	options		INET
	options		INET6
	device		bpf

These requirements can be tweaked by editing the modules/pf* Makefiles.

I hope you have fun with pf and can make good use of it. Report problems,
errors and questions to me or the pf-mailing-list pf4freebsd at freelists.org
(see http://pf4freebsd.love2party.net/ for details) I'd try to avoid
flooding -net or -current with pf related questions. There might be a
freebsd-pf mailing-list some time soon.

Best regards,				| mlaier at freebsd.org
Max Laier				| ICQ #67774661
http://pf4freebsd.love2party.net/	| mlaier at EFnet
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