My planned work on networking stack

Bruce M Simpson bms at
Mon Mar 1 20:30:00 PST 2004

On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 10:16:25PM -0500, James wrote:
> > >  [] move IPv4 routing to its own optimized routing table structure and
> 	finally it's about time   :)

I've been fielding suggestions from individuals who feel using a multi-bit
trie might be more suitable for achieving higher PPS rates.

> > >     add multi-path and policy-routing options.  (planned)
> 	would the policy-routing optioned table sort of similar to VRF's or
> 	different routing instances that could potentially be tied to userlands
> 	like Quagga?

That's the plan, I believe, anyway... It would be nice if Quagga could be
taught about how to add TCP-MD5 keys to both FreeBSD and OpenBSD SADBs.


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