multi-instance natd problem

Bjoern A. Zeeb bzeeb-lists at
Thu Jul 29 02:05:13 PDT 2004


I started using the multi instance natd feature and running into

Every morning when the IP on the dialup interface with the default
route (tun0) changes I need to re-start the natd. Else I am getting:
	natd[88668]: failed to write packet back (Permission denied)

looks like natd deosn't get the IP change and still aliases packets to
the old IP and the packets then get rejected by ipfw rules ?

I would see this on the other interfaces too I think but though they
are online they are idle and only used to see that the login is able
to get in and for sporadic tests; will have to check tomorrow morning
if needed.

is anyone else seeing this behavior ?

--- config extract ---

globalport natd

instance default
interface tun0
port 8670

instance tun1
interface tun1
port 8671

--- end ---


Bjoern A. Zeeb				bzeeb at Zabbadoz dot NeT

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