if_gif issues

Kristofer Pettijohn kristofer at cybernetik.net
Tue Jan 20 20:47:22 PST 2004

I'm seeing some weird issues with the gif interface, if someone
could enlighten me.

This was working fine on 5.1-RELEASE when I was running it, and
then I did a clean install of 5.2-RELEASE from CVS, and I'm having
some weird things.

I have an ipip tunnel setup using gif0 as follows:

gif1: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1460
        tunnel inet a.b.c.d --> w.x.y.z
        inet a.b.c.d --> w.x.y.z netmask 0xffffffff 
        inet6 fe80::2e0:18ff:fe25:21%gif1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x4 

The first issue I saw was when someone was trying to load a webpage
that traffic came in through the tunnel, it would stall; thought
it was an issue with Apache, but I loaded it locally..  then I
started to see weird things with mail and errors in my mailq showing
up such as (conversation with servername[m.n.o.p] timed out while
sending end of data -- message may be sent more than once)).  The
thing I noticed about all of these stalls was that the data packets
are large, and I see them sitting in my netstat as ESTABLISHED
sessions waiting to transmit the data..  For example, the SMTP

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address          Foreign Address        (state)
tcp4       0   2941  aradia.55492           smtp.otherhost.co.smtp ESTABLISHED

and it will stay like that until it times out..

The mtu on my end and the other end of the tunnel match.  This is
setup exactly the same as it was in 5.1-RELEASE, as I copied the
configuration [and also re-did it to ensure I'm sane].

So I'm seeing that gif is breaking large packets, for whatever

Can someone point me in the right direction, or see a bug in any
new code?  I looked at the cvs repository to see what has changed
in it, and I don't see anything there.. I could be blind.

Kristofer Pettijohn
kristofer at cybernetik.net

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