double vlans - once again.

Donatas donatas at
Sat Dec 18 09:32:03 PST 2004

ok, i'll simplify my question -
we have vlan traffic, which is transfered via double tagged vlans (nested vlans). Such functions are supported in some advanced switches (AT-8948). The problem is - we cannot route those double-tagged vlans using freebsd machines. Or maybe it is possible?
let's say we've created vlan-1 and vlan-2, where vlan-2 parent device is vlan-1 and vlan-1 parent device is physical network adapter. This procedure seems impossible in freebsd.
I've mentioned netgraph only as possible solution. Interesting, what happens when freebsd get's double-tagged frame?

thank you

      Donatas Gendvilas
      AB Lietuvos Radijos Ir Televizijos Centras

      Duomenų Perdavimo Departamentas

      Valdymo Centras

      tel.: lokalus 444, 8-5-2525384, +37065266772
      Sausio 13-osios g. 10, 04347 Vilnius 50, Lietuva



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