VLAN/Bridge No response from trunk Interface

Han Hwei Woo hhwoo at nb.sympatico.ca
Fri Jun 20 07:39:19 PDT 2003

Here's the network I'm trying to setup

OpenBSD | vlan0----><--- vlan0 | FreeBSD | em0 ---><--- em0 | Windows 2000

with net.link.ether.bridge_cfg: vlan0,em0

If I try to ping the FreeBSD machine from OpenBSD, arp requests are sent out, and they are seen on both of the FreeBSD machine's interfaces. However, no arp response is generated. 

So, I enter in the arp entries myself.

Once I do that, when I again try to ping the FreeBSD host from OpenBSD, the ping requests are seen on both the FreeBSD interfaces. However, no response is generated. 

If I instead try to ping the OpenBSD machine from FreeBSD, the ping requests get to the OpenBSD machine, and the OpenBSD replies, and both the FreeBSD interfaces receive the reply, according to tcpdump. However, the ping program does not receive them.

I also tried this setup:

OpenBSD | vlan0----><--- vlan0 | FreeBSD | vlan1 ---><--- vlan0 | Windows 2000

with net.link.ether.bridge_cfg: vlan0,vlan1

And the same problem occurs. I have also tried with different network cards as the parent interface of vlan0 on FreeBSD (fxp0,dc0).

Han Hwei Woo

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