vlc accessibility intolerant default pkg options

stevenholland at iprimus.com.au stevenholland at iprimus.com.au
Tue Sep 1 01:43:27 UTC 2020

Hello maintainer for the vlc FreeBSD pkg...

I like vlc media player - but the default options in FreeBSD pkgs are 
without ass/ssa subtitle support.
Not so in MS Windows.
I'm using GhostBSD distro.

Q. As a matter privilege, shouldn't pkgs, where possible, default to be 
inclusive of all accessibility tools?
Q. Are there guidelines for authoring FreeBSD pkgs concerning 
accessibility support generally?
Q. Are you able to change the default compile option to true for 
ass/ssa? Then GhostBSD team would make the pkg binaries with this 

In the mean time I'm porting the pkg and editing the Makefile to compile 
the pkg locally to assist those that require ssa subtitles support.

Note: The ass/ssa [substation alpha] formats allow for coloured 
subtitles to indicate who who is saying what in the video.

Kind regards,


Extract from vlc pkg info showing ASS = off:
Name           : vlc
Version        : 3.0.11_3,4
Installed on   : Tue Sep  1 08:54:16 2020 AEST
Origin         : multimedia/vlc
Architecture   : FreeBSD:12:amd64
Prefix         : /usr/local
Categories     : multimedia net audio www
Licenses       : GPLv2
Maintainer     : multimedia at FreeBSD.org
WWW            : https://www.videolan.org
Comment        : Qt based multimedia player and streaming server
Options        :
	A52            : off
	AALIB          : off
	AOM            : off
	ASS            : off

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