FreeBSD and snd_hdspe last-ditch attempt

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at
Thu Jan 24 00:13:34 UTC 2013

On Wed, 23 Jan 2013 21:36:08 +0100, Stuart Barkley <stuartb at> wrote:
> I like BSD and it's my server OS of choice.  I'm curious where your
> interest in BSD originates, since you appear to have had some luck
> with Linux.

I want to test my RME HDSPe AIO sound card, because on Linux I only can  
use 2 of the 8 ADAT IOs. The driver doesn't support more, OTOH I can use  
the card's internal mixer with Linux. I googled for FLOSS *NIX and  
existing drivers and besides Linux I only found FreeBSD supporting this  

If I shouldn't be able to test all IOs with FreeBSD, I need to install  
Windows and who likes to do this ;)?

Linux can be used for professional audio production, assumed you don't  
need compatibility with most other professional studios and assumed you  
won't produce top 40 charts music, since auto-tune isn't available for  

I'm using Linux for the home studio only, when I worked as engineer I  
anyway preferred analog gear and for my old homestudio analog gear + SMPTE  
to sync a hard real-time capable sequencer, IOW the Atari ST. FWIW using  
jack2 with alsarawmidi on a well tuned Linux PC, there also isn't MIDI  
jitter anymore.


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