Call for testing: new mplayer and x264 port

Thomas Zander thomas.e.zander at
Thu Feb 4 07:02:52 UTC 2010


On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 00:07, Jakub Lach <jakub_lach at> wrote:

> Since mm took maintainership, maybe it's appropriate to make
> x264-devel port for version that requires rebuilding of ports that
> depend on it?

The problem with that is that there are no releases in x264 at the
moment. That is, we would have to define what "stable" and "devel" is.
Since both are only snapshots of the dev tree on a particular sunny
morning, that is somewhat arbitrary. Furthermore, they would conflict
The problems are, x264 is probably the most important library for
encoding at the moment, that we need quite recent build of them for
the popular transcoding ports (mencoder and a new handbrake release
which has yet to be ported) and the fact that PRs requesting its
update are undecided for several months now leave me with the
impression that we need a maintainer person for it rather than a
mailing list. And I would like to take the job as I obviously need it
for mencoder. That's the idea.


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